Monday, November 18, 2013

Balada DuaPuluh Sekian.

Senin, 18/11/2013
23:51 p.m.

Ada dua pertanyaan yang cukup mengganggu;
1. Kapan Wisuda?
2. Kapan Nikah?

Everything happens for a reason
But not everyone wants to explain the reason........


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Struggling, Firda!

Thursday, September 26 2013
1:19 a.m.
feel like insomniaac~

Haaaaayy guiseeee
Sepertinya saya sudah terlalu lama membiarkan blog ini kosong padahal yang punya blog sedang menjalani hari-hari yang menyenangkan penuh warna. Yeay!
Kita mulai dari mana yaa......


.....yah terlalu panjang untuk diceritakan.
Aku sedang melewati tahap-tahap akhir di dunia perkuliahan.
segala OMT sudah, Pesantren sudah, KKN juga sudah.
Sekarang waktunya tanggung jawab pada diri sendiri dan orang tua; kejar kelulusan.

When it comes to one word; Mom. I can do nothing.
Dunia di sekitarku sedang asyik-asyiknya mengejar mimpi mereka. Aku iri.
Mereka sedang memulai menggengam dunia sebagai wujud mimpi mereka. Aku pun ingin. Aku juga masih punya mimpi itu.

Tapi ketika ingat tanggung jawabku kepada orang tua semua itu terasa tak penting lagi.
The only one who can solve your confusion is yourself.

Sudah cukup Mama dan Papa mencukupi segala keinginanku sejak aku kecil. Sudah saatnya aku yang memenuhi keinginan mereka.

Selalu percaya
Doa, usaha, dan kerja keras takkan mengkhianati. ^^

Friday, June 21, 2013

Girls and Photos are Like Coffee and Creamer.

Friday, 21st June 2013
23:04 p.m.
Narcissism generation.

Don't know why but girls surround me are having the same hobby; taking photos as much as possible then upload it into social media such as Twitter, FB, Instagram, Path and other freaking clients. I only have Twitter, FB and this blog :|
I do prefer to share some photos here, in my blog haha and below are several pretty pictures of my friends..

Girl-mate in FE UII Promo Team. They are really prettyyy  

Classmate! 3 years together no one can replace 

May be I used to know why I'm not that maniacs to take some photos.
Because simply I'm not that pretty.
Bahkan seorang teman sempat berkata;
"Hanya terima foto dari DSLR bukan Camera360."
lol. Masyuuuk.


Release From This Grips~

Friday, June 26th 2013
22:29 p.m.
wow June is going to be ended soon.

Still, 1 month for 1 post haha.
I'm about to sad recently. Not that horribly sad, but it's because I had to get myself away from my 'second home.' My organizations, my works, my activities that I've been struggle for that long. It feels like I'm loosing something, something like happiness. Source of my happiness, my pride. But sooner I understand that holding something for so long is not good. I mean it going to waste, the purpose wont remain the same. Release it and go find another happiness somewhere else.

Tim Promo FE UII dan IP CHAT semua berakhir di semester ini. Kalau ditanya sedih ya jawabannya pasti sedih. I love that jobs sooo much. Lantas kalau ditanya "Kalau masih suka kenapa harus keluar?" jawabannya mungkin... emm.. I'm not sure... "Sudah waktunya untuk berhenti." 
Aku menyukai segalanya di dalam IP CHAT dan TIM PROMO. Aku suka saat aku bekerja sebagai duta fakultas dan juga sebagai penyiar di Unisi Radio. Aku suka dengan rekan-rekan kerjaku. Aku suka saat dimana aku berkumpul dengan mereka.

Ya aku tidak sepenuhnya berhenti. Hanya sudah tidak terlibat lagi di dalamnya.
Well, you know, have a bit rest. Supaya tidak terlalu sesak.

Masih bertanya-tanya,
Kenapa kerudungnya harus kuning? lol.
Have a great holidays, ppl :)


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Up! Up!

Saturday, May 18th, 2013
21.00 p.m.

Haaaaay! been a month since my last post hihi. Not about I'm too lazy to write but it was all about technical matters. No internet connection, too comfort with my twitter client on Blackberry and the idea to post for was just easily gone as fast as wind in summer haha.

Well, by this one and half month, life is too...... unpredictable. Right? Who agrees with me?
God gave me so much surprises, and learning too! It feels like GOD were trying to tell me; "Hey! you've been happy for too long. Then you need to feel other people feeling when they failed while you success, they felt sad while you were happy. Have you praised for all those happiness? You praised to me or to your Twitter timeline? #pfft :))

Yap yap, all I can tell you is that life is too volatile. It ups high and falls down. People can betray you so easily. They tell about your bad while at other time they were laughing with you. And even you cannot lying your trust down on your bf/gf anymore. In the end, only family and GOD who will guide and guard you till the end.
 "Darah selalu lebih kental daripada air. Tidak ada yang lebih menyayangimu kecuali keluarga." - Suatu pepatah.

"Yang Punya Dunia pasti ndak pernah PHP." - ditemukan di timeline suatu hari.

Hey ya, my uncle was shoot an epic fail levitation picture of mine:

lol. Shameless.
hope you're good, everyone!
Summer is just begun!
enjoy :)


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

China or Somewhere Else?

March 5th, 2013
19:35 pm
#nowplaying: Neyo - Miss Independent

"Sudahlah, tidak usah jauh-jauh ke negeri China kalau ketika kembali ke daerah asal masih berpikir dan bertindak seperti orang yang tidak belajar apapun." - Antykahfi

Hey, sudah besar kan? Menjadi cerdaslah dalam hidup.
Jika kebijaksanaan adalah hasil akhir dari pembelajaran hidup maka rasanya aku tidak ingin menjadi bijaksana. Belajar terlalu menyenangkan :"

"Being great is the best revenge." - Oprah Winfrey
Maka jadilah hebat. Setidaknya buat pacar mantanmu minder karena pacarnya punya mantan yang hebat. Jangan bingung, itu yang semua anak muda inginkan xD

Ya kan, Zayn? haha xx

Friday, January 4, 2013

2013, Set Focus Not Goals.

Friday, January 04, 2012
22:19 PM
am about to... galau :|

2013, be positive, be productive! :)

Tahun baruan kemaren tidak ada yang spesial buatku, karena di hari terakhir 2012 saya harus melanglang buana seharian, sampe rumah capek, tertidur pulas, besoknya udah 2013. Flat, isn't it?
Even though I'm not doing party or something for welcoming the new year eve, it doesn't mean I have no new hope new goals for this year. One day, I found on my Twitter timeline, It stated: "Don't set goals, set focus." Hmm, you're right.
Too much wishes, too much goals will not bring you to the straight line. An old man said to me, "If you have a dream, choose the right way to hold your dream. If in the middle of the road you found another way to come, then your dream won't remain the same." Yea, I agreed with his statement.
Now I don't set goals this year. But I set; 
"What am I supposed to do to reach my final goal in this years, graduate from this university."
Yap! All I want is being success in my academic thingie. Let's finish it. Let's work, I need to help my mom.

And, now I'm here about to confuse with my own decision. I found an interesting scholarship offered. It's coming from Korean Government for having student exchange program there. Korea, I really want to be there to the fullest! But then it will extend my undergraduate study perhaps. I have to sacrifice my time, my work, my study path here, my family time, my fieldwork and etc. Well, you know that feeling, that big dilemma on me. When you really want something, obsessed maybe, but in the other side you don't want to sacrifice anything.  

Saya tahu saya bukan seseorang yg gigih dengan mimpi saya, tapi bukan berati saya pecundang. Bukan berati saya tidak punya mimpi sama sekali. Saya punya, banyak malah, tapi banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan. Iya, saya juga tahu terlalu banyak pertimbangan tidak akan membuat seseorang maju. Tapi jika pertimbangan saya soal Ibu dan adik-adikku, maka semuanya tidak lagi sama. Hal ini yang membuat saya selalu kembali menapak tanah jika sudah bermimpi terlalu jauh. Saya tidak boleh egois, ada yang lebih membutuhkan saya. 

Mungkin mimpi saya tidak setinggi mimpi mereka. Tapi saya tahu diri, dengan keinginan yang ala kadarnya itu saya hanya perlu kerja keras, berusaha, berdoa. Tuhan tahu apa niat saya dibalik semua ini, hanya perlu meyakininya, dan saya yakin tuhan akan beri jalan untuk saya, untuk mimpi sederhana saya.

anyway, I couldn't find the information about the scholarship on Internet. Omo!
once I get, I'll share it. Promise ;)
