9:19 AM
really really miss to write youuu agaain
seminggu sudah aku jadi mahasiswa baruuuu :D kind of new life and new journey. meets everyone new, start everything from the beginning again. yah, everything had first time momment you know :)
aku masuk ke kelas International Program Management yang mana mahasiswanya cuma 24 orang. rasanya malah kaya ELTI. kondusif buat belajar, tapi ini berarti gabisa tidur waktu kuliah, gabisa nyontek, gabisa maenan hape, and must be proactive ye yaaaaah :D
aku masuk ke kelas International Program Management yang mana mahasiswanya cuma 24 orang. rasanya malah kaya ELTI. kondusif buat belajar, tapi ini berarti gabisa tidur waktu kuliah, gabisa nyontek, gabisa maenan hape, and must be proactive ye yaaaaah :D
and i wanna share about my lecture books.

i dont have any expectation for those books -__-
bawa pulangnya ke godean aja uda sangat besusah payah, apalagi menguatkan iman untuk membawanya setiap hari hahahaha *mati aja*
but this is kind of fun for me
the -very thick- books, new friends,
the -boring- lecturer, long long trip everyday
the assessment,
feels like new life new journey..
this is my own way to reach that dreams,
so bless this way GOD :)
but this is kind of fun for me
the -very thick- books, new friends,
the -boring- lecturer, long long trip everyday
the assessment,
feels like new life new journey..
this is my own way to reach that dreams,
so bless this way GOD :)
antiikus :)
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