Friday, June 21, 2013

Girls and Photos are Like Coffee and Creamer.

Friday, 21st June 2013
23:04 p.m.
Narcissism generation.

Don't know why but girls surround me are having the same hobby; taking photos as much as possible then upload it into social media such as Twitter, FB, Instagram, Path and other freaking clients. I only have Twitter, FB and this blog :|
I do prefer to share some photos here, in my blog haha and below are several pretty pictures of my friends..

Girl-mate in FE UII Promo Team. They are really prettyyy  

Classmate! 3 years together no one can replace 

May be I used to know why I'm not that maniacs to take some photos.
Because simply I'm not that pretty.
Bahkan seorang teman sempat berkata;
"Hanya terima foto dari DSLR bukan Camera360."
lol. Masyuuuk.


Release From This Grips~

Friday, June 26th 2013
22:29 p.m.
wow June is going to be ended soon.

Still, 1 month for 1 post haha.
I'm about to sad recently. Not that horribly sad, but it's because I had to get myself away from my 'second home.' My organizations, my works, my activities that I've been struggle for that long. It feels like I'm loosing something, something like happiness. Source of my happiness, my pride. But sooner I understand that holding something for so long is not good. I mean it going to waste, the purpose wont remain the same. Release it and go find another happiness somewhere else.

Tim Promo FE UII dan IP CHAT semua berakhir di semester ini. Kalau ditanya sedih ya jawabannya pasti sedih. I love that jobs sooo much. Lantas kalau ditanya "Kalau masih suka kenapa harus keluar?" jawabannya mungkin... emm.. I'm not sure... "Sudah waktunya untuk berhenti." 
Aku menyukai segalanya di dalam IP CHAT dan TIM PROMO. Aku suka saat aku bekerja sebagai duta fakultas dan juga sebagai penyiar di Unisi Radio. Aku suka dengan rekan-rekan kerjaku. Aku suka saat dimana aku berkumpul dengan mereka.

Ya aku tidak sepenuhnya berhenti. Hanya sudah tidak terlibat lagi di dalamnya.
Well, you know, have a bit rest. Supaya tidak terlalu sesak.

Masih bertanya-tanya,
Kenapa kerudungnya harus kuning? lol.
Have a great holidays, ppl :)
